B.A.hons P.G.A.T.C.
I lost my husband in December 2020 after a short illness and lost my mother in August 2021. Lockdown has been a nightmare for me and I am now trying to paint my way through my grief and trying to paint every day when i am able .. ..i am in the process of updating my studio and will now be in the downstairs lounge area which is ideal to work in! i hope to open at weekends and if i am available!
Since August i have been posting reels of myself painting and intend to continue as i am loving the challenge of painting and posting on facebook , Instagram and Tiktok! .
Born in Poole, Dorset, I gained a degree in textiles from West Surrey College of art and then PGATC at University of Wales Cardiff. I taught at a private school in Bournemouth before marrying and moving to Wales in 1982. I worked from my studio in Cowbridge for 5 years making patchwork wall hangings and painting and exhibiting wherever I could. In 1992 We moved to Pembrokeshire and was unfortunately widowed in 1993. After moving again I eventually settled and remarried in 1997. Since then I have been concentrating on my painting and put roots down in Pembrokeshire. I have been teaching adults ‘art for pleasure ‘ in Fishguard since 1995 and have not looked back . Since lockdown i have now decided to retire from teaching and now concentrate on my painting . I have really enjoyed introducing others to the challenges and joys of painting and drawing over the last 25 years…
My paintings take me on a journey from one subject to another and I often use different media. I cannot say I have a favourite medium except the medium I use at the moment. The Textile influence can be seen throughout my work in my use of colour and tonal values. I paint mainly about my world and things that inspire me, rural scenes of farming life which has changed over the years which is my theme at the moment. Colours , like our lives, are affected by the constant change of light, environment and time of day , i am constantly trying to capture this ‘magic’ in my work. I enjoy dividing the images up and mix lots of different shades and tones of the same colour to somehow try to capture the amazing light and colours of Pembrokeshire. Living here in north Pembrokeshire gives me an endless supply of inspiration with its unique wildness,. Shadows have become an obsession for me as the colours are transformed into a myriad of mysterious dark tones.
I have now been living in North Pembrokeshire for 30 years and the local people have been a constant inspiration and support for me over the years and i enjoy introducing figures into my paintings. (recently I have turned my figures from my paintings into clay….)
After the shock of being diagnosed with breast cancer after a routine mammogram in 2012 I painted a visual diary of my journey, ‘my journey through cancer’ I wanted to use my diary to show how the journey affected my work and to encourage others to have the mammogram as my diagnosis would not have been made without it! This led to an article published in the ‘Artists and Illustrators magazine’ (Jan 2014) about my visual diary ‘and article in the Western mail and on Wales online which can be seen online at www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/colourful-vibrant-full-love-glorious-8574399 and featured on www.pembrokeshirelifeonline
Contact me through Facebook / instagram page barbarapriceartist.. OR at barbaraelvet@icloud.com…